Let's look at the Atlantic. From early 2004 New York Daily News: Killer wave lying in wait:
"A tsunami triggered by a volcanic eruption on an island off the coast of Africa could result in mountainous waves up to 75 feet high crashing into New York and other East Coast cities, scientists are warning."
This is referring to the Cumbre Vieja Volcano -- Potential collapse and tsunami at La Palma, Canary Islands due to a volcanic eruption and lavaslide into the ocean.
Freak waves, rogue waves, extreme waves and ocean wave climate explains some of the dynamics of the waves.
"An ocean-going vessel almost never notices a tsunami, since its amplitude in the deep ocean is no more than 2 metres. However, when approaching the shallow waters of island or continental coastlines, it sharply decreases its speed, and a deformed, large wall of water as high as 16-20 m and more, contacts the shore. Damage to buildings installations and especially, people can be enormous. In the last 1,000 years, Pacific Ocean tsunamis have been observed and recorded over 1,000 times. All of these were major catastrophic events, since smaller events often go unrecorded. "BBC - Science & Nature - Horizon - Supervolcanoes: Transcript of a BBC show on supervolcanoes - like what would happen if the entire Yellowstone area went up at once.
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